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Welcome to the interactive map for the Catawba Nation Comprehensive Plan! You can use this map to share ideas, pinpoint locations that need improvements, and learn what others in your community are saying. Here's how to use the tool:
1. Start by zooming in to one of the six areas shown on the map that belong to the Catawba Nation.
2. Add a comment or question about an area or specific location by clicking and dragging one of the three feedback pins onto the map. You can choose the "Ideas and Suggestions" pin, the "Make a Comment" pin, or the "Something I like" pin.
3. Once you've placed the pin where you want it, use the comment box to enter your comment. You are also required to add your email address, which will not be publicly visible.
4. Once you've submitted your comment, read comments from other people. You can comment on their posts or even "like" or "dislike" the posts.